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Tuxedo Mosquito Control Tuxedo Mosquito Control

Stay Protected With Our Mosquito Safety Tips

Mosquito on table

Take Your Mosquito Defense To The Next Level

We understand that mosquitoes in Atlanta are relentless little pests and sometimes taking extra precautions can be helpful. We pride ourselves on delivering consistent results when it comes to organic mosquito control, so you won’t have to worry about them while our services are active. However, with mosquito hibernation, now is the perfect time to learn new tips and tricks for when they return. Of course, we will always be available but if there is an unexpected occurrence until that time comes we’ve got you covered with the best mosquito prevention tips.

Important Things To Remember

One of the most important things to remember about mosquitoes is they absolutely can’t stand DEET mosquito repellant. This chemical was initially developed for military purposes to ensure soldiers fighting in World War II would not be subjected to transmitted diseases from mosquitoes during combat. Today you can find DEET repellant at most food and drug stores.

Additionally, mosquitoes are not the biggest fans of natural remedies like lemon oil and eucalyptus. We provide a highly effective organic insecticide but if you are in between services or looking for a natural alternative to supplement with our mosquito prevention services, this natural remedy can keep mosquitoes at bay.

Wearing The Right Clothes

Especially during the summer months, it is easy to forget that wearing protective clothes is another effective mosquito prevention strategy. This doesn’t mean you have to show up to the summer cookout in a parka jacket, but wearing long-sleeved shirts and pants whenever possible can help significantly.

These are just a few tips that can help you maximize the effectiveness of our services. To learn more about how we can help with mosquito prevention contact us today!

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